Binh Minh School was established on January 18, 2010 under business license number 1601289677. Binh Minh School started operation on September 1, 2010 at 18 Bui Thi Xuan Street, My Xuyen Ward, Long Xuyen City, An Giang Province.

After nearly 10 years of operation, the staff, teachers and staff in the whole school now have 43 people. In which: Managers – Office: 06 people; Teacher: 31 people; Security staff – kitchen: 06 people.

Each cadre, teacher, school employee is always exemplary in morality, lifestyle, devotion and responsibility in the care and education of children. Every teacher and teacher of Binh Minh preschool always insists and regularly strives to fulfill Uncle Ho’s wishes “For the sake of a hundred years, people must be planted”. Studying and following the moral example of Ho Chi Minh is the driving force and belief for each individual and collective of the school.

Teachers – staff – Binh Minh preschool staff travel summer

The school always fulfills the heavy and glorious task of the soul engineer, every teacher in the school tries to improve the professional level, train moral qualities and lifestyle. School administrators always create conditions for cadres, teachers and staff to go to school to raise standards. … ..% of officials, teachers, and schools have reached the standard level. The teachers are also actively participating in music and informatics classes to serve the teaching work.

In the era of information technology, the school teachers have actively learned computer training courses. 100% of teachers and staff with computer skills A and B, many teachers have prepared and taught electronic lesson plans. No less knowledge, songs, stories, illustrations have been updated by teachers of the school, exploited from the Internet.

The school has maintained regular professional activities. Teachers are regularly exchanged, learning each other’s experiences in a sincere and open way, so they have created the creativity and enthusiasm of each individual, creating the synergy of the school. Every year, the school organizes many lectures, seminars, excellent teacher examinations; fully participate in competitions and activities organized by the education and training sector.

Learning corner and lunch break of the child

The school’s main task is to care for, nurture, educate children and create the best environment for them to develop. Every teacher is always trying to become the second mother with love and caring so parents are very pleased and assured when sending their children at Binh Minh Kindergarten.

At school, 100% of children are allowed to participate in learning, playing, practicing life skills, participating in folk games, participating in competitions of singing folk songs, good and healthy babies and smart children, District level schools are highly appreciated in exams.

Green space and entertainment corner

The school regularly organizes examination, weighing, measuring and monitoring health in the growth chart for children, to have proper care and care regimes. Teachers and staff in coordination with families are always interested in ensuring absolute safety for children.

Nutrition and food safety and hygiene for children are particularly concerned by the school. Food and foodstuff provided to the school are of clear origin, regularly inspected and supervised by health authorities. The school’s kitchen always ensures food hygiene and safety. The teacher creates a happy atmosphere while studying and playing; guide the children to know how to properly clean their children, encourage them to eat at their full capacity, and take care of their sleep.

Lunch time

Baby participates in art performance at school

During nearly 10 years of construction and growth, Binh Minh Kindergarten has been constantly improving and upgrading its facilities and fostering human resources to become a reliable sending place for children in the area. For more information about the school, please contact:


Address: No. 18 Đường Bùi Thị Xuân, Mỹ Xuyên Ward, Long Xuyên City, An Giang Province.

Phone: 0763.605.296 – Fax: 0763.989.333
